Wrapped Up In Books

GOB’s Forget-Me-Nows

They’re pills that create a sort of temporary forgettingness. So if somebody finds out how you do a trick, you just give ’em one of these, and they forget the whole thing. It’s a mainstay of the magician’s toolkit, like how clowns always have a rag soaked in ether.” -George Oscar Bluth 

I was taking a break from reading about menopause today (my thesis topic) to catch up on BBC Health.  And it seems that Dutch scientists have discovered that a new heart medication has interesting psychological properties: it can dampen the effect of bad memories in patients who take it.

I kind of like how the BBC doesn’t mention whether these 60 study participants actually have some heart defect that warrants taking this medication, and if they don’t, what are the implications of taking a pharmaceutical which surely must still exact some effect on the heart.  That’s good reporting.

Beta blockers aside, I’m not sure how the drug differentiates between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ memories.  I think in dampening the so-called bad ones, it really probably dampens them all.

If all else fails, help yourself to some good old rohypnol/forget-me-now.  

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